Wellbeing, Health and Safety
Kilkenny Kids Aim
We aim to provide an environment that is positive, safe, and secure, and to ensure children attending Kilkenny Kids are nurtured in a way, which cares for them as a whole person.
Bullying is not accepted and we will contact parents if bullying occurs.

Kilkenny Kids Objective
To enable each child to grow up being fair and considerate of others, learning to understand their own and other feelings to appropriately express their feelings in regard to their state of development.
Wellbeing, health and safety of your child is paramount.

Kilkenny Kids goals for adult behaviour when working with children
Staff are expected to have knowledge about children’s development and the implications for children’s behaviour.
Staff are required to treat children with respect and dignity at all times.
Help children to recognise their feelings and to express them in appropriate ways.
Demonstrate empathy with children’s feelings.
Value mistakes as learning opportunities.
Use the management of behaviour as a positive opportunity for learning appropriate social skills.
Encourage children to care for equipment, the environment and other people.
Use simple clear and friendly directions or redirections.
Be objective when assessing children’s behaviour.
Ensure that children received positive feedback daily.
Let children know when their behaviour is unacceptable and what the consequences of that behaviour could be.
Plan for action
Intervene quickly, using the child’s name, get down to their level, state a preferred action clearly, avoid focussing on undesirable behaviour.
After intervention the caregiver assist the child with regaining composure helps the child to understand how others feel, teaching a more acceptable behaviour and making amends or reconciling with other children.
At times a child may need removing from a group and placing beside the caregiver or in time-out so their disruptive behaviour can be explained in terms of the sort of behaviour that would be more helpful.
Damages caused to the property of Point View School or Kilkenny Kids shall become the responsibility of the parent/guardians.

Sick children
If a child attending the programme becomes unwell or upset we will contact the authorised people listed on the Enrolment form, for them to pick up the child(ren) as soon as possible.
Please keep children who are unwell at home until recovered, as we do not have the facility to look after sick children.
Accidents and first-aid
At all times there is a fully stocked first-aid kit and first aid certificates of staff are current.
If we are concerned about a child we may call a parent to collect the child. If a serious accident occurs our policy is to ensure the safety and well-being of the child by calling an ambulance and appropriate form of medical help and then proceed to contact parents.
All accidents and incidents are recorded in our Accident and Incident book. Children who are taking medication are also recorded.
Medical requirements
Please advise the programme, along with filling out a medication record form of any medication that is to be administered by the programme staff.
Emergency procedures
Evacuation procedures will be displayed, followed by a practice once a term. Only bags which contain medication will be evacuated with the children.
Civil Defence procedures will be followed in the appropriate circumstances.

Vulnerable Child Act 2014
Kilkenny Kids complies with requirements under the Vulnerable Children Act 2014, through its background-checking processes, in particular:
Thorough identification of all prospective staff (as per NZ Police vetting service requirements)
Police vetting of all prospective staff and re-vetting every three years
Kilkenny Kids comply with the Workforce Restriction provisions of the Act that prohibits people with certain specified convictions from being employed.
Children leaving the programme by themselves
Children are not allowed to leave the programme by themselves. An adult or guardian 15 years and over must sign out the child.
Child Protection Policy
Kilkenny Kids ensures that the child protection policy accords with the requirements of section 19 of the Vulnerable Children Act 2014 and reviews this policy every three years. To view the full policy please come into Kilkenny Kids.
Kilkenny Kids adopts child protection policies, identifying and reporting child abuse and neglect.
Kilkenny Kids is CYF-approved and OSCAR-registered.
WINZ subsidies are available.